revues dans lesquelles de CEFS publie


mises à jour 07 Janvier 2025

Les recherches sur le chevreuils sur le canton d'Aurignac (cliquer sur l'image)       

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Rapport d'évaluation HCERES campagne 2019-2020

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 Publications scientifiques

2025 / 2024 /

 / 2023 / 2022  / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014

/ 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004


  • Atmeh K., Bonenfant C., Gaillard J.M., Garel M., Hewison A.J.M., ... Morellet N., … Chaval Y., … & Loison A., 2025. Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores. Nature Ecol. Evol., 9 : 19-20.
  • Peña-Carmona, G., Escobar-González, M., Dobbins, M.T. Dobbins, C. Conejero, M. Valldeperes et al. Direct counts could underestimate the size of mountain ungulate populations. Eur J Wildl Res 71, 5 (2025).
  • Rigoudy N., Morellet N., Hewison A.J.M., Bonnet A., Chaval Y., Lourtet B., Merlet J. & Chamaillé-Jammes S., 2025. Agricultural land use and reproductive behaviour constrain responses to summer thermal stress in a large herbivore. Biol. Conserv., 302 : 110888.
  • Sordello R., Ouédraogo D.Y., Chassoulier C., Aulagnier S., Coulon A., & Reyjol Y., 2025. Does artificial light interfere with the activity of nocturnal mammals? An experimental study using road underpasses. Biol. Conserv., 302 : 110960.


  • Arpin I., Massart C., Bourret V., Castel G., ... & Charbonnel N., 2024.  Achieving inter-and transdisciplinarity in Ecohealth: insights from a rodent-borne disease project in a polycrisis era. Front. vet. Sci., 11 : 1235183.
  • Baur S., Kauffert J., Hewison A.M., Reinermann S., König A., Menzel A. & Peters W., 2023. Spatial scaling in bed‐site selection by Roe deer fawns: Implications for mitigating neonatal mortality during mowing. Ecol. Evol., 13(11) : e10729.
  • Baur S., Stehr F.P., Hewison A.J., Morellet N., Ranc N., KönigA., Menzel, A. & Peters W., 2024. The timing and spatial distribution of mother–offspring interactions in an obligate hider. Movement Ecol., 12 : 73.
  • Bounaceur F., Khammes El Homsi N., Abdelahamid D., Lassgaa F., Benamor N., Nebouti B., Djillali M., Zohra Bissaad, F. & Aulagnier, S., 2024. Diet of the Crested porcupine Hystrix cristata (Rodentia, Hystricidae) in a semi-arid area of its native North African range. Anim. Taxo. Ecol., 70(4) : 353-363.
  • Burton A.C., Beirne C., Gaynor K.M., Sun, C., … Ranc N., ... & Oberosler V., 2024. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nat. Ecol. Evol., 8(5) : 924-935.
  • Corradini A., Falcinelli D., Pedrotti L., Tattoni C., Ranc N., et al.. Human-
    induced risk drives behavioural decisions in a recovering brown bear population. Animal Conservation,
    2024, 10.1111/acv.12965. hal-04664347
  • Froustey N., Guyot M., Crétet M., Aulagnier S., Pelozuelo L. & Ricci J.C., 2024. Impact of habitat management of small game species on bird communities in French Mediterranean scrublands. Anim. Biodiv. Conserv., 47.1 : 75-88.
  • Froustey N., Haquart A., Guyot M. & Aulagnier S., 2024. Effects of habitat management for small game species on bat activity in three French Mediterranean scrublands. Acta Chiropterol., 26(1) : 49-62.
  • Gautrelet M., Gerard J.F., Helder R., Fournier P., Fournier-Chambrillon C., Hubert P., Isère‑Laoué E., Capitaine L., Dupuy M., Dispan de Floran L., Alleman C. & Devos A., 2024. First look on the home range, movement, and habitat selection of the invasive Northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) in France through two contrasted populations. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 70(1) : 7.
  • Goll A., Dutra L., Nowicka J., Sgarabotto E., Venkat V., Apoznański G., Kokurewicz T., Rachwald A., Rabalski L., Alburkat H., Virtanen J., Sironen T., Kant R., Bourret V. & Grzybek M., 2024. Hibernating vesper bats are a weak source for biomonitoring of coronaviruses. One Health, 18 : 100733.
  • Habibi I., Achour H., Bounaceur F., Benaradj A. & Aulagnier S., 2024. Predicting the future distribution of the Barbary ground squirrel (Atlantoxerus getulus) under climate change using niche overlap analysis and species distribution modeling. Environ. Monit. Assess., 196(11) : 1140.
  • Hansen K.W., Ranc N., Morgan J., Jordan N.R., McNutt J.W., Wilson A. & Wilmers C.C., 2024. How territoriality and sociality influence the habitat selection and movements of a large carnivore. Ecol. Evol., 14(4) : e11217.
  • Hewison, A.J.M., Bonnot, N.C., Gaillard, J.M., Kjellander, P., Lemaitre, J.F., Morellet, N., & Pellerin, M., 2024. Body mass change over winter is consistently sex-specific across Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) populations. Peer Community J., 4 : e98
  • Hoch T., Madouasse A., Jacquot M., Wongnak P., Beugnet F., Bournez L., Cosson J.F., Huard F., Moutailler S., Plantard O., Poux V., René-Martellet M., Vayssier-Taussat M., Verheyden H., Vourc’h G., Chalvet-Monfray K. & Agoulon A., 2024. Seasonality of host-seeking Ixodes ricinus nymph abundance in relation to climate. Peer Community J., 4 : e2.
  • Kaur P., Ciuti S., Ossi F., Cagnacci F., Morellet N., ... & Salter-Townshend M., 2024. A protocol for assessing bias and robustness of social network metrics using GPS based radio-telemetry data     Movement Ecol., 12(1) : 55.
  • Kojola I., Henttonen H., Heikkinen S. & Ranc N., 2024. Golden jackal expansion in northernmost Europe: records in Finland. Mammal. Biol., 104(1) : 101-105.
  • Laubier J., Van De Wiele A., Barboiron A., Laloë, D., …, Merlet J., Verheyden H., … Bourret V. & Moazami-Goudarzi K., 2024. Variation in the prion protein gene (PRNP) open reading frame sequence in French cervids. Vet. Res., 55(1) : 105.
  • Le Marchand, T., Launay, C., Hermeline, S., Monthuir, B., Gérard, J.-F. et Maublanc, M.-L. (2024). Solutions innovantes mises en œuvre pour restaurer et assurer la santé d’une forêt : l’exemple du Bois-Landry. Revue forestière française, 75(2), 149-158.
  • Pérez J.M., Granados J.E., Garnier A., Soriguer R.C., Aleix-Mata G., Sánchez A. & Fandos, P., 2024. Is it time for genetic reinforcement of French Iberian ibex populations? J. Nat. Conserv., 77 : 126516.
  • Ranc N., Cain J.W., Cagnacci F. & Moorcroft P.R., 2024. The role of memory-based movements in the formation of animal home ranges. J. math. Biol., 88(5) : 59.
  • Rigoudy, N., Chamaillé‐Jammes S., Hewison A.M., Bonnet A., Chaval Y., Lourtet B., Merlet J. & Morellet N., 2024. Crop phenology reshapes the food‐safety landscape for Roe deer in an agroecosystem. J. appl. Ecol., 61(3) : 564-574.
  • Stiegler, J., Gallagher, C.A., Hering, R., Müller, T., Tucker, M., Apollonio, M., ... Hewison, A.J.M., … Morellet, N., ...& Blaum, N., 2024. Mammals show faster recovery from capture and tagging in human-disturbed landscapes. Nature Comm., 15(1) : 8079.


  • Baur S., Kauffert J., Hewison A.M., Reinermann S., König A., Menzel A. & Peters W., 2023. Spatial scaling in bed‐site selection by Roe deer fawns: Implications for mitigating neonatal mortality during mowing. Ecol. Evol., 13(11) : e10729.
  • Benoit L., Morellet N., Bonnot N.C., Cargnelutti B., Chaval Y., Gaillard J.M., Loison A., Lourtet B., Marchand P., Coulon A. & Hewison A.J.M., 2023. Reproductive tactics, birth timing and the risk-resource trade-off in an income breeder. Proc. R. Soc. B, 290(2009) : 20230948.
  • Bounaceur F., Abdelhamid D., Djilali M., Lasgaa F., Bissaad F.Z. & Aulagnier S., 2023. First North African record of a melanistic rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758). Mammalia, 87(5) : 511-513.
  • Bounaceur F., Benamor N., Bissaad F.Z., Lasgaa F., Baghadid S., Rezigua F. & Aulagnier S., 2023. Feeding ecology of the vulnerable aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) in north‐western Sahara. Afr. J. Ecol., 61(1) : 28-36.
  • Cambreling S., Gaillard J.M., Pellerin M.L., Vanpé C., Débias F., Delorme D., Garcia R., Hewison A.J.M. & Lemaître J.F., 2023. Natal environmental conditions modulate senescence of antler length in Roe deer. Front. Ecol. Evol., 11 : 1139235.
  • Carbillet J., Hollain M., Rey B., Palme R., Pellerin M., Regis C., Geffré A., Duhayer J., Pardonnet S., Debias F., Merlet J., Lemaître J.F., Verheyden H. & Gilot-Fromont E., 2023. Age and spatio-temporal variations in food resources modulate stress-immunity relationships in three populations of wild Roe deer. Gen. comp. Endocrinol., 330 : 114141.
  • Carbillet J., Palme R., Maublanc M.L., Cebe N., Gilot‐Fromont E., Verheyden H. & Rey B., 2023. Instability of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites at 4°C: time to freeze matters. J. exp. Zool., Part A : Ecol. Integr. Physiol., 339(7) 625-632.
  • Dalhoumi R., El Mokni R., Ouni R., Beyrem H. & Aulagnier S., 2023. Bats of the Tunisian desert: preliminary data using acoustic identification and first record of Taphozous nudiventris in the country. Diversity, 15 : 1108.
  • De Groeve J., Van de Weghe N., Ranc N., Morellet N., Bonnot N.C., Gehr B., Heurich M., Hewison A.J.M., Kröschel M., Linnell J.D.C., Mysterud A., Sandfort R. & Cagnacci F., 2023. Back and forth: day–night alternation between cover types reveals complementary use of habitats in a large herbivore. Landsc. Ecol., 38(4) : 1033-1049.
  • Gerard J.F. & Maublanc M.L., 2023. Nothing in the environment makes sense except in the light of a living system: organisms, their relationships to the environment, and evolution. Evol. Biol., 50(1) : 18-29.
  • Gutiérrez-López R., Egeter B., Paupy C., Rahola N., Makanga B., Jiolle D., Bourret V., Melo M. & Loiseau C., 2023. Monitoring mosquito richness in an understudied area: can environmental DNA metabarcoding be a complementary approach to adult trapping? Bull. entomol. Res., 113(4) : 456-468.
  • Koual R., Buysse M., Grillet J., Binetruy F., Ouass, S., Sprong H., Duhayon M., Boulanger N., Jourdain F., Alafaci A., Verdon J., Verheyden H., Rispe C., Plantard O. & Duron O., 2023. Phylogenetic evidence for a clade of tick-associated trypanosomes. Parasites Vectors, 16(3) : 1-13.
  • Lasgaa F., Bounaceur F., Boutheldja H. & Aulagnier S., 2023. Feeding ecology of Massoutiera mzabi (Rodentia, Ctenodactylidae) in two national parks of Central Sahara. Mammalia, 87(2) : 122-132.
  • Mumme S., … Debeffe L., … Morellet N., … & Cagnacci F., 2023. Wherever I may roam - Human activity alters movements of Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and Elk (Cervus canadensis) across two continents. Glob. Change Biol., 29(20) : 5788-5801.
  • Ollivier V., Choquet R., Gamble A., Bastien M., Combes B., Gilot‐Fromont E., Pellerin M., Gaillard J.M., Lemaître J.F., verheyden H. & Boulinier T., 2023.Temporal dynamics of antibody level against Lyme disease bacteria in Roe deer: tale of a sentinel? Ecol. Evol., 13(8) : e10414.
  • Rahman D.A., Aulagnier S., Sunderland-Groves J.L. & Semiadi G., 2023. Population trend and ecology of the most isolated deer in the world, Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii): conservation challenges. Therya, 14(2) : 281-292.
  • Tucker M.A., ... Chaval Y., … Garnier A., … Hewison A.J.M., … Morellet N., … Ranc N., … & Mueller T., 2023. Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns. Science, 380 : 1069-1064.


  • Barrere J., Collet C., Saïd S., Bastianelli D., Verheyden H., Courtines H., Bonnet A., Segrestin J. & Boulanger V., 2022. Do trait responses to simulated browsing in Quercus robur saplings affect their attractiveness to Capreolus capreolus the following year ? Environ. Exp. Bot., 194 : 104743.
  • Bendjeddou M.L., Bouam I., Aulagnier S., Abdelaziz S.E., Etayeb K., Mihalca A.D. & Sándor A.D., 2022. First record of the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797), in Libya and potential distribution in North Africa.  Mammalia, 86(4) : 328-332.
  • Bounaceur F., Boualem A., Abdi A., Bissaad F.Z., Kaddouri M.A., Zenati A., Belgarssa Y. & Aulagnier S., 2022. Monitoring threatened ungulates (Gazella cuvieri and Ammotragus lervia) in the semi-arid North African Nador Mountains. Eco.mont, J. prot. Mount. Areas Res. Manage., 14(2) : 5-10.
  • Broekman M.J., Hilbers J.P., Huijbregts M.A., Mueller T., Ali A.H., Andrén H., ... Hewison A.J.M., … Morellet N., & Tucker M.A., 2022. Evaluating expert‐based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS‐tracking data. Global Ecol. Biogeogr., 31 : 1526-1541.
  • Carbillet J., Rey B., Palme R., Monestier C., Börger L., Lavabre T., Maublanc M.L., Cebe N., Rames J.L., Le Loc’h G., Wasniewski M., Rannou B., Gilot-Fromont E. & Verheyden H., 2022. Co-variation between glucocorticoids, behaviour and immunity supports the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis : an experimental approach. Proc. R. Soc. B, 289 : 20220464.
  • Forsyth D.M., Comte S., Davis N.E., Bengsen A.J., Côté S.D., Hewitt D.G., Morellet N. & Mysterud A., 2022. Methodology matters when estimating deer abundance : a global systematic review and recommendations for improvements. J. Wildl. Manage., 86(4) : e22207.
  • Gervais L., Morellet N., David I., Hewison M., Réale D., Goulard M., Chaval Y., Lourtet B., Cargnelutti B., Merlet J., Quéméré E. & Pujol B., 2022. Quantifying heritability and estimating evolutionary potential in the wild when individuals that share genes also share environments. J. Anim. Ecol., 91(6) : 1239-1250.
  • Kearsley L., Ranc N., Meier C.M., Pacheco C.M., Henriques, P., Elias G., Poot M., Williams A., Costa L.T., Helsen P,  & Hufkens K., 2022. The aeroecology of atmospheric convergence zones : the case of pallid swifts. Oikos, 2022(6) : e08594.
  • Lanszki J., Hayward M.W., Ranc N. & Zalewski A., 2022. Dietary flexibility promotes range expansion : the case of golden jackals in Eurasia. J. Biogeogr., 49(6) : 993-1005.
  • Männil P. & Ranc N., 2022. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Estonia: development of a thriving population in the boreal ecoregion. Mammal Res., 67(2) : 245-250.
  • Peep, M. and N. Ranc. 2022. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Estonia: development of a thriving population in the Boreal Ecoregion. Mammal Research 67: 245-250. DOI: 10.1007/s13364-021-00615-1
  • Ranc, al. 2022. Distribution of large carnivores in Europe 2012 - 2016: Distribution map for Golden Jackal (Canis aureus). [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.63822
  • Salvatori M., De Groeve J., van Loon E., De Baets B., Morellet N., Focardi S., Bonnot N.C., Gehr B., Griggio M., Heurich M., Kroeschel M., Licoppe A., Moorcroft P., Pedrotti L., Signer J., Van de Weghe N. & Cagnacc, F., 2022. Day versus night use of forest by red and roe deer as determined by Corine Land Cover and Copernicus Tree Cover Density : assessing use of geographic layers in movement ecology. Landscape Ecol., 37(5) : 1453-1468.
  • Seigle‐Ferrand J., Marchand P., Morellet N., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.M., Saïd S., Chaval Y., Santacreu H., Loison A., Yannic G. & Garel M., 2022. On this side of the fence: Functional responses to linear landscape features shape the home range of large herbivores. J. Anim. Ecol., 91(2) : 443-457.
  • Wongnak P., Bord S., Jacquot M., Agoulon A., Beugnet F., Bournez L., Cèbe N., ... Verheyden H., … & Chalvet-Monfray K., 2022. Meteorological and climatic variables predict the phenology of Ixodes ricinus nymph activity in France, accounting for habitat heterogeneity. Scient. Reports, 12(1) : 7833.


  • Benamor N., Bounaceur F. & Aulagnier S., 2021. Dietary overlap of wild ungulate Cuvier’s gazelle with livestock (sheep and goats) in Djebel Messaâd Forest, Algeria. Russ. J. Theriol., 20(1) : 31-43.
  • Bergvall U.A., Morellet N., Kjellander P., Rauset G.R., Groeve J.D., Borowik T., Brieger F., Gehr B., Heurich M., Hewison A.J.M., Kröschel M., Pellerin M., Sonia Saïd S., Soennichsen L., Sunde P. & Cagnacci F., 2021. Settle down! Ranging behaviour responses of Roe deer to different capture and release methods. Animals, 11(11) : 3299.
  • Crampe J.P., Gerard J.F., Goulard M., Milleret C., Gonzalez G. & Bon R., 2021. Year-round sexual segregation in the Pyrenean chamois, a nearly monomorphic polygynous herbivore. Behav. Proc., 184 : 104300.
  • Dupke C., Peters A., Morellet N., & Heurich M., 2021. Holling meets habitat selection : functional response of large herbivores revisited. Movement Ecol., 9(1) : 45.
  • Hewison A.J.M., Gaillard J.M., Morellet N., Cagnacci F., Debeffe L., Cargnelutti B., Gehr B., Kröschel M., Heurich M., Coulon A., Kjellander P., Börger L. & Focardi S., 2021. Sex differences in condition dependence of natal dispersal in a large herbivore: dispersal propensity and distance are decoupled. Proc. R. Soc. B, 288(1946) : 20202947.
  • Kauffman, M.J., Cagnacci, F., Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Hebblewhite, M., Hopcraft, J.G.C., Merkle, J.A., ... Debeffe, L., … & Zuther, S., 2021. Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations. Science, 372(6542) : 566-569.
  • Lemaître J.F., Carbillet J., Rey B., Palme R., Froy H., Wilbourn R. V., Underwood S.L., Cheynel L., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Verheyden H., Débias F., Duhayer J., Régis C., Pardonnet S., Pellerin M., Nussey D.H. & Gilot-Fromont E., 2021. Short-term telomere dynamics is associated with glucocorticoid levels in wild populations of Roe deer. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A: Mol. integr. Physiol., 252 : 110836.
  • Malagnino A., Marchand P., Garel M., Cargnelutti B., Itty C., Chaval Y., Hewison A.J.M., Loison A. & Morellet, N., 2021. Do reproductive constraints or experience drive age-dependent space use in two large herbivores ? Anim. Behav., 172 : 121-133.
  • Marchand P., Garel M., Morellet N., Benoit L., Chaval Y., Itty C., Petit E., Cargnelutti B., Hewison A.J.M. & Loison A., 2021    . A standardised biologging approach to infer parturition : an application in large herbivores across the hider‐follower continuum. Meth. Ecol. Evol., 12(6) : 1017-1030.
  • Passoni G., Coulson T., Ranc N., Corradini A., Hewison A.J.M., Ciuti S., Gehr B., Heurich M., Brieger F., Robin Sandfort R., Mysterud A., Balkenhol N. & Cagnacci F., 2021. Roads constrain movement across behavioural processes in a partially migratory ungulate. Movement Ecol., 9(1) : 57.
  • Plantard O., Hoch T., Daveu R., Rispe C., Stachurski F., Boué F., Pouxe V., Cebe N., Verheyden H., René-Martellet M., Chalvet-Monfray K., Cafiso, A., Olivieri E., Moutailler S., Pollet T. & Agoulon A., 2021. Where to find questing Ixodes frontalis ticks ? Under bamboo bushes ! Ticks  Tick-Borne Dis., 12(2) : 101625.
  • Quéméré E, Hessenauer P, Galan M, Fernandez M, Merlet J, Chaval Y, Morellet N, Verheyden H, Gilot-Fromont E, Charbonnel N. Pathogen-mediated selection favours the maintenance of innate immunity gene polymorphism in a widespread wild ungulate. J Evol Biol. 2021 Jun 1.
  • Seigle-Ferrand J., Atmeh K., Gaillard J.M., Ronget V., Morellet N., Garel M., Loison A. & Yannic G., 2021. A systematic review of within-population variation in the size of home range across ungulates : what do we know after 50 years of telemetry studies ? Front. Ecol. Evol., 8 : 515.
  • Semenzato, P., Cagnacci, F., Ossi, F., Eccel, E., Morellet, N., Hewison, A.J.M., Sturaro, E. and Ramanzin, M. (2021), Behavioural heat-stress compensation in a cold-adapted ungulate: Forage-mediated responses to warming Alpine summers. Ecology Letters.


  • Aikens E.O., Mysterud A., Merkle J.A., Cagnacci F., ... M.,  Hewison A.J.M., … Morellet N., ... & Kauffman M.J., 2020. Wave-like patterns of plant phenology determine ungulate movement tactics. Curr. Biol., 30(17) : 3444-3449.
  • Benoit L., Hewiso, A.J.M., Coulo, A., Debeffe, L., Grémillet D., Ducros D., Cargnelutti B., Chaval Y. & Morellet N., 2020. Accelerating across the landscape : the energetic costs of natal dispersal in a large herbivore. J. Anim. Ecol., 89(1) : 173-185.
  • Bonnot N.C., Couriot O., Berger A., Cagnacci F., Ciuti S., De Groeve J.E., Gehr N., Heurich M., Kjellander P., Kröschel M., Morellet N., Sönnichsen L. & Hewison A.J.M. 2020. Fear of the dark ? Contrasting impacts of humans versus Lynx on diel activity of Roe deer across Europe. J. Anim. Ecol., 89(1) : 132-145.
  • Carbillet J., Rey B., Palme R., Morellet N., Bonnot N., Chaval Y., Cargnelutti B., Hewison A.J.M., Gilot-Fromont E. & Verheyden H., 2020. Under cover of the night: context-dependency of anthropogenic disturbance on stress levels of wild Roe deer Capreolus capreolus. Conserv.  Physiol., 8(1) : coaa086.
  • Derouiche L., Bounaceur F., Benamor N., Hadjloum M., Benameur-Hasnaoui H., Ounas H., Irzagh A., Boualem A., Belmoures R., Djeghim C. & Aulagnier S., 2020. Distribution and status of the striped hyena Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus, 1758)(Mammalia, Hyaenidae) in Algeria. Mammalia, 84(5) : 421-428.
  • Ducros D., Morellet N., Patin R., Atmeh K., Debeffe L., Cargnelutti B., Chaval Y., Lourtet B., Coulon A. & Hewison A.J.M., 2020. Beyond dispersal versus philopatry ? Alternative behavioural tactics of juvenile Roe deer in a heterogeneous landscape. Oikos, 129(1) : 81-92.
  • Gehr B., Bonnot N.C., Heurich M., Cagnacci F., Ciuti S., Hewison A.J.M., Gaillard J.M., Ranc N., Premier J., Vogt K., Hofer E., Ryser A., Vimecartri E. & Keller L., 2020. Stay home, stay safe—Site familiarity reduces predation risk in a large herbivore in two contrasting study sites. J. Anim. Ecol., 89(6) : 1329-1339.
  • Gervais L., Hewison A.J.M., Morellet N., Bernard M., Merlet J., Cargnelutti B., Chaval Y., Pujol B. & Quéméré E., 2020. Pedigree‐free quantitative genetic approach provides evidence for heritability of movement tactics in wild Roe deer.  J. evol. Biol., 33(5) : 595-607.
  • Jong M.J. de, Li Z., Qin Y., Quéméré E., Baker K., Wang W. & Hoelzel A.R., 2020. Demography and adaptation promoting evolutionary transitions in a mammalian genus that diversified during the Pleistocene. Mol. Ecol., 29(19) : 2777-2792.
  • Lebert I., Agoulon A., Bastian S., Butet A., Cargnelutti B., Cèbe N., Chastagner A., Léger E., Lourtet B., Masseglia S., McCoy K.D., Merlet J., Noël V., Perez G., Picot D., Pion A., Poux V., Rames J.L., Rantier Y., Verheyden H., Vourc'h G. & Plantard O., 2020. Distribution of ticks, tick-borne pathogens and the associated local environmental factors including small mammals and livestock, in two French agricultural sites : the OSCAR database. Biodiv. Data J., 8 : e50123.
  • Loumassine H.E., Bonnot N., Allegrini B., Bendjeddou M.L., Bounaceurd F. & Aulagnier S., 2020. How arid environments affect spatial and temporal activity of bats. J. arid Environ., 180 : 104206.
  • Quéméré E., Rossi S., Petit E., Marchand P., Merlet J., Game Y., Galan M. & Gilot-Fromont E., 2020. Genetic epidemiology of the Alpine ibex reservoir of persistent and virulent brucellosis outbreak. Scient. Rep., 10(1) : 1-10.
  • Rahman D.A., Condro A.A., Rianti P., Masy’ud B., Aulagnier S. & Semiadi G., 2020. Geographical analysis of the Javan deer distribution in Indonesia and priorities for landscape conservation. J. Nat. Conserv., 54 : 125795.
  • Verheyden H., Richomme C., Sevila J., Merlet J., Lourtet B., Chaval Y. & Hoste H., 2020. Relationship between the excretion of eggs of parasitic helminths in Roe deer and local livestock density. J. Helminthol., 94 : e159.


  • Benamor N., Bounaceur F., Baha M. & Aulagnier S., 2019. First data on the seasonal diet of the vulnerable Gazella cuvieri (Mammalia : Bovidae) in the Djebel Messaâd forest, northern Algeria. Folia Zool., 68(4) : 1-8.
  • Carbillet J., Rey B., Lavabre T., Chaval Y., Merlet J., Débias F., Régis C., Pardonnet S., Duhayer J., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Lemaître J.F., Pellerin M., Rannou B., Verheyden H. & Gilot-Fromont E., 2019. The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio indexes individual variation in the behavioural stress response of wild Roe deer across fluctuating environmental conditions. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 73(11) : 144.
  • Cheynel L., Douhard F., Gilot-Fromont E., Rey B., Débias F., Pardonnet S., Carbillet J., Verheyden H., Hewison A.J.M., Pellerin M., Gaillard J.M. & Lemaître J.F., 2019. Does body growth impair immune function in a large herbivore ? Oecologia, 189(1) : 55-68.
  • Clouet M. & Gerard J.F., 2019. Factors affecting the distribution of the sibling species of treecreepers Certhia familiaris and C. brachydactyla in the Pyrenees. J. Ornithol., 160(1) : 27-36.
  • Dalhoumi R., Aissa P., Hamouda B. & Aulagnier S., 2019. Annual cycle of bats in a cave of Jebel Errwa, a sub-desert zone of central Tunisia. Trop. Zool., 32(3) : 155-165.
  • De Groeve J., Cagnacci F., Ranc N., Bonnot N.C., ... Hewison A.J.M., ... Morellet N., ... & Mysterud A., 2019. Individual Movement-Sequence Analysis Method (IM-SAM) : characterizing spatio-temporal patterns of animal habitat use across landscapes. Int. J. geogr. Inf. Sci., 33 : 1-22.
  • Debeffe L., Rivrud I.M., Meisinget E. & Mysterud A., 2019. Sex-specific differences in spring and autumn migration in a northern large herbivore. Sci. Rep., 9(1) : 6137.
  • Gervais L., Perrier C., Bernard M., Merlet J., Pemberton J.M., Pujol B. & Quéméré E., 2019. RAD‐sequencing for estimating genomic relatedness matrix‐based heritability in the wild : a case study in Roe deer. Mol. Ecol. Resour., 19(5) : 1205-1217.
  • Hofman M.P.G., ... Morellet N., … & Balkenhol N., 2019. Right on track ? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. PLoS ONE, 14(5) : e0216223.
  • Hulme-Beaman A., Claude J., Chaval Y., Evin A., Morand S., Vigne J.D., Dobney K. & Cucchi T., 2019. Dental shape variation and phylogenetic signal in the Rattini tribe species of Mainland Southeast Asia. J. mammal. Evol., 26(3) : 435-446.
  • Jiguet F., Robert A., Lorrillière R., Hobson K.A., Kardynal K.J., Arlettaz R., ... Ducros D., … & Moussy C., M.A., 2019. Unravelling migration connectivity reveals unsustainable hunting of the declining Ortolan bunting. Sci. Adv., 5(5) : eaau2642.
  • Lalis A., Mona S., Stoetzel E., Bonhomme F., Souttou K., Ouarour A., Aulagnier S., Denys C. & Nicolas V., 2019. Out of Africa : demographic and colonization history of the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus Lataste). Heredity, 122(2) : 150-171.
  • Loumassine H.E., Marniche F., Bounaceur F. & Aulagnier S., 2019. Seasonal diet of Asellia tridens (Chiroptera : Hipposideridae) in North-Western Africa. Eur. zool. J., 86(1) : 354-362.
  • Morand S., Blasdell K., Bordes F., Buchy P., Carcy B., Chaisiri K., Chaval Y., Claude J., Cosson J.F., Desquesnes M., Jittapalapong S., Jiyipong T., Karnchanabanthoen A., Pornpan P., Rolain J. & Tran A., 2019. Changing landscapes of Southeast Asia and rodent‐borne diseases : decreased diversity but increased transmission risks. Ecol. Appl., 29(4) : e01886.
  • Peters W., Hebblewhite M., Mysterud A., Eacker D., Hewison A.J.M., Linnell J.D., Focardi S., Urbano F., De Groeve J., Gehr B., Heurich M., Jarnemo A., Kjellander P., Kröschel M., Morellet N., Pedrotti L., Reinecke H., Sandfort R., Sönnichsen L., Sunde S. & Cagnacci F., 2019. Large herbivore migration plasticity along environmental gradients in Europe : life-history traits modulate forage effects. Oikos, 128(3) : 416-429.
  • Ponsart C., Riou M., Locatelli Y., Jacques I., Fadeau A., Jay M., Simon R., Perrot L., Freddi L., Breton S., Chaumeil T., Blanc B., Ortiz K., Vio C., Rioult D., Quéméré E., Sarradin P., Chollet J.Y., Garin-Bastuji B. & Rossi S., 2019. Brucella melitensis Rev.1 vaccination generates a higher shedding risk of the vaccine strain in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) compared to the Domestic goat (Capra hircus). Vet. Res., 50 :100.
  • Stoetzel E., Lalis A., Nicolas V., Aulagnier S., Benazzou T., Dauphin Y., El Hajraoui M.A., El Hassani A., Fahd S., Fekhaoui M., Geigl E.M., Lapointe F.J., Leblois R., Ohler A., Nespoulet R. & Denys C., 2019. Quaternary terrestrial microvertebrates from mediterranean northwestern Africa : State-of-the-art focused on recent multidisciplinary studies. Quat. Sci. Rev., 224 : 105-966.
  • Tillon L., Barataud M., Giosa S. & Aulagnier S., 2019. Acoustic detection of radiotracked foraging bats in temperate lowland forests. Mammal. Biol., 95 : 155-159.
  • Vanpé C., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Quéméré E., Kjellander P., Pellerin M. & Lemaître J.F., 2019. Old females rarely mate with old males in roe deer, Capreolus capreolus. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 128(3) : 515-525.


  • Maublanc, M. L., Daubord, L., Bideau, É., & Gerard, J. F. (2018). Experimental evidence of socio-spatial intolerance between female roe deer. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 1-16.
  • Lemaître J.F., Cheynel L., Douhard F., Bourgoin G., Débias F., Ferté H., Gilot-Fromont E., Pardonnet S., Pellerin M., Rey B., Vanpé C., Hewison A.J.M. & Gaillard J.M., 2018. The influence of early‐life allocation to antlers on male performance during adulthood : Evidence from contrasted populations of a large herbivore. J. Anim. Ecol., 87(4) : 921-932.
  • Serra V., Cafiso A., Formenti N., Verheyden H., Plantard O., Bazzocchi C. & Sassera D., 2018. Molecular and serological evidence of the presence of Midichloria mitochondrii in Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in France. J. Wildl. Dis., 54(3) : 597-600.
  • Rahman D.A., Rianti P., Muhiban M., Muhtarom A., Rahmat U.M., Santosa Y. & Aulagnier S., 2018. Density and spatial partitioning of endangered sympatric Javan leopard (Felidae) and dholes (Canidae) in a tropical forest landscape. Folia Zool., 67(3-4) : 207-219.
  • Péron G., Duparc A., Garel M., Marchand P., Morellet N., Saïd S. & Loison A.,  2018. Circadian periodicity in space use by ungulates of temperate regions : how much, when, and why ? J. Anim. Ecol., 87(5) : 1299-1308.
  • Bonnot N.C., Goulard M., Hewison A.J.M., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Chaval Y. & Morellet N., 2018. Boldness-mediated habitat use tactics and reproductive success in a wild large herbivore. Anim. Behav., 145 : 107-115.
  • Djukic, I., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Schmidt, I. K., Larsen, K. S., Beier, C., Berg, B., ... & Humber, A. (2018). Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Science of the Total Environment, 628, 1369-1394.
  • Navarro-Gonzalez N., Castillo-Contreras R., Casas-Díaz E., Morellet N., Porrero M.C., Molina-Vacas G., Torres R.T., Fonseca C., Mentaberre G., Dominguez L., Lavín S. & Serrano E., 2018. Carriage of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in urban versus rural wild boars. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 64(5) : 60.Maublanc, M. L., Daubord, L., Bideau, É., & Gerard, J. F. (2018). Experimental evidence of socio-spatial intolerance between female roe deer. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 1-16;
  • Bourgoin G., Marchand P., Hewison A.J.M., Ruckstuhl K.E. & Garel M., 2018. Social behaviour as a predominant driver of sexual, age-dependent and reproductive segregation in Mediterranean mouflon. Anim. Behav., 136 : 87-100.
  • Couriot O., Hewison A.J.M., Saïd S., Cagnacci F., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Linnell J.D.C., Mysterud A., Peters W., Urbano F., Heurich M., Kjellander P., Nicoloso S., Berger A., Sustr P., Kroeschel M., Soennichsen L., Sandfort R., Gehr B. & Morellet N., 2018. Truly sedentary ? The multi-range tactic as a response to resource heterogeneity and unpredictability in a large herbivore. Oecologia, 187(1) : 47-60.
  • Dalhoumi R., Morellet N., Aissa P. & Aulagnier S., 2018. Seasonal activity pattern and habitat use by the Kuhl’s pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii) in an arid environment. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 64(3) : 36.
  • Gaudry W., Gaillard J.M., Saïd S., Bonenfant C., Mysterud A., Morellet N., Pellerin M. & Calenge C., 2018. Same habitat types but different use: evidence of context-dependent habitat selection in Roe deer across populations. Scient. Rep., 8(1) : 5102.
  • Khechekhouche E., Brahmi K., Kerboub A.., Slimani S., Bessati S., Doumandji S. & Aulagnier S., 2018. Variations saisonnières du régime alimentaire du Fennec, Vulpes zerda (Canidae, Carnivora), en Algérie. Rev. Ecol., 73(2) : 103-114.
  • Loumassine H., Allegrini B., Bounaceur F., Peyre O. & Aulagnier S., 2018. A new mammal species for Algeria, Rhinopoma microphyllum (Chiroptera : Rhinopomatidae) : morphological and acoustic identification. Mammalia, 82(1) : 85-88.
  • Martin J., Tolon V., Morellet N., Santin-Janin H., Licoppe A., Fischer C., Bombois J., Patthey P., Pesenti E., Chenesseau D. & Saïd S., 2018. Common drivers of seasonal movements on the migration–residency behavior continuum in a large herbivore. Scient. Rep., 8(1) : 7631.
  • Martin J., Vourc’h G., Bonnot N., Cargnelutti B., Chaval Y., Lourtet B., Goulard M., Hoch T., Plantard O., Hewison A.J.M. & Morellet N., 2018. Temporal shifts in landscape connectivity for an ecosystem engineer, the Roe deer, across a multiple-use landscape. Lands. Ecol., 33(6) : 937-954.
  • Quéméré E., Gaillard J.M., Galan M., Vanpé C., David I., Pellerin M., Kjellander P., Hewison A.J.M. & Pemberton J.M., 2018. Between-population differences in the genetic and maternal components of body mass in Roe deer. BMC evol. Biol., 18(1) : 39.
  • Tucker M.A., Böhning-Gaese K., Fagan W.F., Fryxell J.M., Van Moorter B., Alberts S.C., ... Hewison A.J.M., … Morellet N., … & Bartlam-Brooks H., 2018. Moving in the Anthropocene : Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science, 359(6374) : 466-469.



  • Biffi M., Gillet F., Lafaille P., Colas F., Aulagnier S., Blanc F., Galan M., Tiouchichine M.L., Némoz M., Buisson L. & Michaux J.R., 2017. Novel insights into the diet of the Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) using next-generation sequencing molecular analyses. J. Mammal., 98(5) : 1097-1507.
  • Bonnot N.C., Hewison A.J.M., Morellet N., Gaillard J.M., Debeffe L., Couriot O., Cargnelutti B., Chaval Y., Lourtet B., Kjellander P. & Vanpé C., 2017. Stick or twist : Roe deer adjust their flight behaviour to the perceived trade-off between risk and reward. Anim. Behav., 124, 35-46.
  • Chastagner A., Pion A., Verheyden H., Lourtet B., Cargnelutti B., Picot D., Poux V., Bard E., Plantard O., McKoy K.D. & Leblond A., 2017. Host specificity, pathogen exposure, and superinfections impact the distribution of Anaplasma phagocytophilum genotypes in ticks, Roe deer, and livestock in a fragmented agricultural landscape. Infect. Genet. Evol., 55 : 31-44.
  • Clouet M., Gerard J.F., Goar J.L., Goulard M., González L., Rebours I. & Faure C., 2017. Diet and breeding performance of the Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos at the eastern and western extremities of the Pyrenees : an example of intra-population variability. Ardeola, 64(2) : 347-361.
  • Cote J., Bocedi G., Debeffe L., Chudzińska M.E., Weigang H.C., Dytham C., Gonzalez G., Matthysen E., Travis J., Baguette M. & Hewison A.J.M., 2017. Behavioural synchronization of large-scale animal movements - disperse alone, but migrate together ? Biol. Rev., 92 :  1275-1296.
  • Dalhoumi R., Morellet N., Aissa P. & Aulagnier S., 2017. Seasonal activity pattern and habitat use by the Isabelline serotine bat (Eptesicus isabellinus) in an arid environment of Tunisia. Acta Chiropterol., 19(1) : 141-153.
  • Gillet F., Cabria Garrido M.T., Blanc F., Fournier-Chambrillon C., Némoz M., Sourp E., Vial-Novella C., Zardoya R., Aulagnier S. & Michaux J.R., 2017. Evidence of fine-scale genetic structure for the endangered Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in the French Pyrenees. J. Mammal., 98(2) : 523-532.
  • Jouglin M., Chagneau S., Faille F., Verheyden H., Bastian S. & Malandrin L., 2017. Detecting and characterizing mixed infections with genetic variants of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) by developing an ankA cluster-specific nested PCR. Parasites Vectors, 10(1) : 377.
  • Monestier C., Morellet N., Verheyden H., Gaillard J.M., Bideau E., Denailhac A., Lourtet B., Cebe N., Picot D., Rames J.L. & Hewison A.J.M., 2017. Neophobia is linked to behavioural and haematological indicators of stress in captive Roe deer. Anim. Behav., 126 : 135-143.
  • Ossi F., Gaillard J.M., Hebblewhite M., Morellet N., Ranc N., Sandfort R., Kroeschel M., Kjellander P., Mysterud A., Linnell J.D.C., Heurich M., Soennichsen L., Sustr P., Berger A., Rocca M., Urbano F. & Cagnacci F., 2017. Plastic response by a small cervid to supplemental feeding in winter across a wide environmental gradient. Ecosphere, 8(1) : e01629.
  • Peters W., Hebblewhite M., Mysterud A., Spitz D., Focardi S., Urbano F., Morellet N., Heurich M., Kjellander P., Linnell J.D.C. & Cagnacci F., 2017. Migration in geographic and ecological space by a large herbivore. Ecol. Monogr., 87(2) : 297-320.
  • Rahman D.A., Gonzalez G., Haryono M., Muhtarom A., Firdaus A.Y. & Aulagnier S., 2017. Factors affecting seasonal habitat use, and predicted range of two tropical deer in Indonesian rainforest. Acta Oecol., 82 : 41-51.
  • Rahman D.A., Gonzalez G. & Aulagnier S., 2017. Population size, distribution and status of the remote and Critically Endangered Bawean deer Axis kuhlii. Oryx, 51(4) : 665-672.
  • Rossi S., Viarouge C., Faure E., Gilot‐Fromont E., Gache K., Gibert P., Verheyden H., Hars J., Klein F., Maillard D., Gauthier D., Game Y., Pozet F., Sailleau C., Garnier A., Zientara S. & Breard E., 2017. Exposure of wildlife to the Schmallenberg virus in France (2011–2014) : higher, faster, stronger (than Bluetongue) ! Transbound. Emerg. Dis., 64(2) : 354-363.
  • Salmona J., Heller R., Quéméré E. & Chikhi L., 2017. Climate change and human colonization triggered habitat loss and fragmentation in Madagascar. Mol. Ecol., 26(19) : 5203-5222.



  • Arias M.C., Aulagnier S. & 158 co-authors, 2016. Microsatellite records for volume 8, issue 1. (Isolation, characterization and PCR multiplexing of polymorphic microsatellite markers in the endangered Pyrenean desman, Galemys pyrenaicus). Conserv. Genet. Resour., 8(1) : 43-81.
  • Bideau E., Maublanc M.L., Picot D., Hamard J.P., Ballon P. & Gerard J.F., 2016. Short-term browsing by Roe deer has little effect on survival and growth of sessile oak seedlings. Scand. J. For. Res., 31(1) : 40-45.
  • Bonnot N.C., Morellet N., Hewison A.J.M., Martin J.L., Benhamou S. & Chamaillé-Jammes S., 2016. Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) adjust habitat selection and activity rhythm to the absence of predators. Can. J. Zool., 94(6) : 385-394.
  • Bounaceur F., Benamor N., Bissaad F.Z., Abdi A. & Aulagnier S., 2016. Is there a future for the last populations of Aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) in Northern Algeria ? Pakistan J. Zool., 48(6) : 1727-1731.
  • Bounaceur F., Boualem A., Benamor N., Fellous A., Benkheira A., Bissaad F.Z. & Aulagnier S., 2016. Updated distribution and local abundance of the endangered Cuvier's gazelle (Mammalia, Bovidae) in Algeria. Folia Zool., 65(3) : 233-238.
  • Chastagner A., Moinet M., Perez G., Roy E., McCoy K.D., Plantard O., Agoulon A., Bastian S., Butet A., Rantier Y., Verheyden H., Cebe N., Leblond A. & Vourc'h G., 2016. Prevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in small rodents in France. Ticks tick-borne Dis., 7(5) : 988-991.
  • Dalhoumi R., Aissa P. & Aulagnier S., 2016. Seasonal variations of sexual size dimorphism in two Mediterranean bat species from Tunisia : the Kuhl’s pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii) and the Isabelline serotine (Eptesicus isabellinus). Folia Zool., 65(2) : 157-163.
  • Dalhoumi R., Aissa P. & Aulagnier S., 2016. Bat species richness and activity in Bou Hedma National Park (central Tunisia). Turk. J. Zool., 40(6) : 864-875.
  • Gillet F., Le Roux B., Blanc F., Bodo F., Fournier-Chambrillon C., Fournier P., Jacob F., Lacaze V., Némoz M., Aulagnier S. & Michaux J.R., 2016. Genetic monitoring of the endangered Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in the Aude river, France. Belg. J. Zool., 146(1) : 44-52.
  • Giotto N., Picot D., Moussa E., Rech J., Maublanc M.L., Bideau E., Nabil M. & Gerard J.F., 2016. Compared diets of sympatric beira antelopes and domestic goats in the growing season. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 62(6) : 687-693.
  • Kidjo N., Serrano E., Bideau E. & Gonzalez G., 2016. Is dominance the only factor determining access to food in an agonistic context ? An experiment with captive male mouflon. Acta Ethol., 19(1) : 69-79.
  • Le Saout S., Massouh M., Martin J.L., Presseault-Gauvin H., Poilvé E., Côté S.D., Picot D., Verheyden H. & Chamaillé-Jammes S., 2016. Levels of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites do not reflect environmental contrasts across islands in black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) populations. Mammal Res., 61(4), 391-398.
  • Maublanc M.L., Bideau E., Launay C., Monthuir B. & Gerard J.F., 2016. Indicators of ecological change (IEC) as efficient tools for managing Roe deer populations: a case study. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 62(2) : 189-197.
  • Monestier C., Gilot-Fromont E., Morellet N., Debeffe L., Cebe N., Merlet J., Picot D., Rames J.L., Hewison A.J.M. & Verheyden H., 2016. Individual variation in an acute stress response reflects divergent coping strategies in a large herbivore. Behav. Proc., 132 : 22-28.
  • Quéméré E., Baglinière J.L., Roussel J.M., Evanno G., McGinnity P. & Launey S., 2016. Seascape and its effect on migratory life-history strategy influences gene flow among coastal brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations in the English Channel. J. Biogeogr., 43(3) : 498-509.
  • Rahman D.A., Gonzalez G. & Aulagnier S., 2016. Benefit of camera trapping for surveying the critically endangered Bawean deer Axis kuhlii (Temminck, 1836). Trop. Zool., 29(4) : 155-172.
  • Tillon L., Bouget C., Paillet Y. & Aulagnier S., 2016. How does deadwood structure temperate forest bat assemblages ? Eur. J. For. Res., 135(3) : 433-449.
  • Tillon L., Bresso K. & Aulagnier S., 2016. Tree selection by roosting bats in a European temperate lowland sub-Atlantic forest. Mammalia, 80(3) : 271-279.
  • Vanpé C., Debeffe L., Galan M., Hewison A.J.M., Gaillard J.M., Gilot-Fromont E., Morellet N., Verheyden H., Cosson J.F., Cargnelutti B., Merlet J. & Quéméré E., 2016. Immune gene variability influences roe deer natal dispersal.  Oikos, 125(12) : 1790-1801.



  • Aaziz R., Vorimore F., Verheyden H., Picot D., Bertin C., Ruettger A., Sachse K. & Laroucau K., 2015. Detection of atypical Chlamydiaceae in Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Vet. Microbiol., 181(3) : 318-322.
  • Bonnot N., Morellet N., Verheyden H., Blanchard P., Cote J., Debeffe L., Cargnelutti B., Klein F. & Hewison A.J.M., 2015. Inter-individual variability in habitat use : evidence for a risk management syndrome in Roe deer. Behav. Ecol., 26(1) : 105-114.
  • Charbonnel A., Buisson L., Biffi M., D'Amico F., Besnard A., Aulagnier S., Blanc F., Gillet F., Lacaze V., Michaux J.R., Némoz M., Page C., Sanchez-Perez J.M., Sauvage S. & Laffaille P., 2015. Integrating hydrological features and genetically validated occurrence data in occupancy modelling of an endemic and endangered semi-aquatic mammal, Galemys pyrenaicus, in a Pyrenean catchment. Biol. Conserv., 184 : 182-192.
  • Dalhoumi R., Aissa P. & Aulagnier S., 2015. Cycle annuel d'activité des Chiroptères du Parc National de Bou-Hedma (Tunisie). Rev. Ecol., 70(3) : 261-270.
  • Debeffe, L., Lemaître, J.F., Bergvall, U.A., Hewison, A.J.M., Gaillard, J.M., Morellet, N., Goulard M., David M., Monestier C., Verheyden-Tixier H., Jäderberg L., Vanpé C. & Kjellander P., 2015. Short-and long-term repeatability of docility in the Roe deer : sex and age matter. Anim. Behav., 109 : 53-63.
  • Gillet F., Cabria M.T., Némoz M., Blanc F., Fournier-Chambrillon C., Sourp E., Vial-Novella C., Aulagnier S. & Michaux J.R., 2015. PCR-RFLP identification of the endangered Pyrenean desman, Galemys pyrenaicus (Soricomorpha, Talpidae), based on faecal DNA. Mammalia, 79(4) : 73-77.
  • Gillet F., Tiouchichine M.L., Galan M., Blanc F., Némoz M., Aulagnier S. & Michaux J.R., 2015. A new method to identify the endangered Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) and to study its diet, using next generation sequencing from faeces. Mammal. Biol., 80(6) : 505-509.
  • Giotto N., Gerard J.F., Ziv A., Bouskil, A. & Bar-David S., 2015. Space-use patterns of the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus) : complementary insights from displacement, recursion movement and habitat selection analyses. PLoS ONE, 10(12) : e0143279.
  • Le Saout S., Martin J.L., Blanchard P., Cebe N., Hewison A.J.M., Rames J.L. & Chamaillé-Jammes S., 2015. Seeing a ghost ? Vigilance and its drivers in a predator-free world. Ethology, 121(7) : 651-660.
  • Merkling T., Welcker J., Hewison A.J.M., Hatch S.A., Kitaysky A.S., Speakman J.R., Danchin E. & Blanchard P., 2015. Identifying the selective pressures underlying offspring sex-ratio adjustments : a case study in a wild seabird.  Behav. Ecol., 26(3) : 916-925.
  • Monestier C., Morellet N., Gaillard J.M., Cargnelutti B., Vanpé C. & Hewison A.J.M., 2015. Is a proactive mum a good mum? A mother's coping style influences early fawn survival in Roe deer. Behav. Ecol., 26(5) : 1395-1403.
  • Padié S., Morellet N., Hewison A.J.M., Martin J.L., Bonnot N., Cargnelutti B. & Chamaillé-Jammes S., 2015. Roe deer at risk : teasing apart habitat selection and landscape constraints in risk exposure at multiple scales. Oikos, 124(11) : 1536-1546.
  • Padié S., Morellet N., Cargnelutti B., Hewison A.J.M., Martin J.L. & Chamaillé-Jammes S., 2015. Time to leave ? Immediate response of roe-deer to contrasted playback experiments. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 61(6) : 871-879.
  • Picard M., Papaïx J., Gosselin F., Picot D., Bideau E. & Baltzinger C., 2015. Temporal dynamics of seed excretion by wild ungulates : implications for plant dispersal. Ecol. Evol., 5(13) : 2621-2632.
  • Plard F., Gaillard J.M., Coulson T., Hewison A.J.M., Douhard M., Klein F., Delorme D., Warnant C. & Bonenfant C., 2015. The influence of birth date via body mass on individual fitness in a long-lived mammal. Ecology, 96(6) : 1516-1528.
  • Quéméré E., Galan M., Cosson J.F., Klein F., Aulagnier S., Gilot-Fromont E., Merlet J., Bonhomme M., Hewison A.J.M., & Charbonnel N., 2015. Immunogenetic heterogeneity in a widespread ungulate : the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Mol. Ecol., 24(15) : 3873-3887.
  • Rossi S., Viarouge C., Faure E., Gilot-Fromont E., Gache K., Gibert P., Verheyden H., Hars J., Klein F., Maillard D., Gauthier D., Game Y., Pozet F., Sailleau C., Garnier A., Zientara S. & Bréard E., 2015. Exposure of wildlife to the Schmallenberg virus in France (2011–2014) : higher, faster, stronger (than bluetongue) ! Transbound. Emerg. Dis., 64(2) : 354-363.
  • Vanpé C., Debeffe L., Hewison A.J.M., Quéméré E., Lemaitre J.F., Galan M., Amblard B., Klein F., Cargnelutti B., Capron G., Merlet J., Warnan C. & Gaillard J.M., 2015. Reduced microsatellite heterozygosity does not affect natal dispersal in three contrasting roe deer populations. Oecologia, 177(3) : 631-643.



  • Candela M.G., Serrano E., Sevila J., León L., Caro M.R. & Verheyden H., 2014. Pathogens of zoonotic and biological importance in Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): seroprevalence in an agro-system population in France. Res. Vet. Sci., 96(2) : 254-259.
  • Chastagner A., Dugat T., Vourc'h G., Verheyden H., Legrand L., Bachy V., Chabanne L., Joncour G., Maillard R., Boulouis H.J., Haddad N., Bailly X. & Leblond A., 2014. Multilocus sequence analysis of Anaplasma phagocytophilum reveals three distinct lineages with different host ranges in clinically ill French cattle. Vet. Res., 45(1) : 114.
  • Dalhoumi R., Hedfi A., Aissa P. & Aulagnier S., 2014. Bats of Jebel Mghilla National Park (central Tunisia) : first survey and habitat-related activity. Trop. Zool., 27(2) : 53-62.
  • Debeffe L., Focardi S., Bonenfant C., Hewison A.J.M., Morellet N., Vanpé C., Heurich M., Kjellander P., Linnell J.D.C., Mysterud A., Pellerin M., Sustr P., Urbano F. & Cagnacci F., 2014. A one night stand ? Reproductive excursions of female Roe deer as a breeding dispersal tactic. Oecologia, 176(2) : 431-443.
  • Debeffe L., Morellet N., Bonnot N., Gaillard J.M., Cargnelutti B., Verheyden H., Vanpé C., Coulon A., Clobert J., Bon R. & Hewison A.J.M., 2014. The link between behavioural profiles and natal dispersal reveals a dispersal syndrome in a large herbivore. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B, 281(1790) : 20140873.
  • Debeffe L., Morellet N., Verheyden H., Hoste H., Gaillard J.M., Cargnelutti B., Picot D., Sevila J. & Hewison A.J.M., 2014. Parasite abundance contributes to condition dependent dispersal in a wild population of large herbivores. Oikos, 123(9) : 1121-1125.
  • Dugat T., Chastagner A., Lagrée A.C., Petit E., Durand B., Thierry S., Corbière F., Verheyden H., Chabanne L., Bailly X., Leblond A., Vourc'h G., Boulouis H.J., Maillard R. & Haddad N., 2014. A new multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis reveals different clusters for Anaplasma phagocytophilum circulating in domestic and wild ruminants. Parasites & Vectors, 7 : 439.
  • Le Saout S., Chollet S., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Blanc L., Padié S., Verchère T., Gaston A.J., Gillingham M.P., Gimenez O., Parker K.L., Picot D., Verheyden H. & Martin J.L., 2014. Understanding the paradox of deer persisting at high abundance in heavily browsed habitats. Wildl. Biol., 20(3) : 122-135.
  • Le Saout S., Padié S., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Chollet S., Côté S.D., Morellet N., Pattison J., Harris E. & Martin J.L., 2014. Short-term effects of hunting on naive black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) : behavioural response and consequences on vegetation growth. Can. J. Zool., 92(11) : 915-925.
  • Plard F., Gaillard J.M., Coulson T., Hewison A.J.M., Delorme D., Warnant C., Nilsen E.B. & Bonenfant C., 2014. Long-lived and heavier females give birth earlier in Roe deer. Ecography, 37(3) : 241-249.
  • Plard F., Gaillard J.M., Coulson T., Hewison A.J.M., Delorme D., Warnant C., & Bonenfant C. ,2014. Mismatch between birth date and vegetation phenology slows the demography of Roe deer. PLoS Biol., 12(4) : e1001828.
  • Quéméré E., Perrier C., Besnard A.L., Evanno G., Baglinière J.L., Guiguen Y. & Launey S., 2014. An improved PCR-based method for faster sex determination in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Conserv. Genet. Resour., 6(4) : 825-827.
  • Redjadj C., Darmon G., Maillard D., Chevrier T., Bastianelli D., Verheyden H., Loison A. & Saïd S., 2014. Intra- and interspecific differences in diet quality and composition in a large herbivore community. PLoS One, 9(2) : e84756.
  • Sevila J., Richomme C., Hoste H., Candela M.G., Gilot-Fromont E., Rodolakis A., Cebe N., Picot D., Merlet J. & Verheyden H., 2014. Does land use within the home range drive the exposure of Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) to two abortive pathogens in a rural agro-ecosystem ? Acta Theriol., 59(4) : 571-581.
  • Tillon L. & Aulagnier S., 2014. Tree cavities used as bat roosts in a European temperate lowland sub-Atlantic forest. Acta Chiropterol., 16(2) : 359-368.



  • Abbas F., Picot D., Merlet J., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Angibault J.M., Daufresne T., Aulagnier S. & Verheyden H., 2013. A typical browser, the Roe deer, may consume substantial quantities of grasses in open landscapes. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 59(1) : 69-75.
  • Bech N., Barbu C.M., Quéméré E., Novoa C., Allienne J.F. & Boissier J., 2013. Pyrenean ptarmigans decline under climatic and human influences through the Holocene. Heredity, 111(5) : 402-409.
  • Bonnot N., Morellet N., Verheyden H., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Klein F. & Hewison A.J.M., 2013. Habitat use under predation risk : hunting, roads and human dwellings influence the spatial behaviour of Roe deer. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 59(2) : 185-193.
  • Debeffe L., Morellet N., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Coulon A., Gaillard J.M., Bon R. & Hewison A.J.M., 2013. Exploration as a key component of natal dispersal : dispersers explore more than philopatric individuals in Roe deer. Anim. Behav., 86(1) : 143-151.
  • Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Klein F., Plard F., Douhard M., Davison R. & Bonenfant C., 2013. How does climate change influence demographic processes of widespread species ? Lessons from the comparative analysis of contrasted populations of Roe deer. Ecol. Lett., 16(Suppl. 1) : 48-57.
  • Giotto N., Picot P., Maublanc M.L. & Gerard J.F., 2013. Effects of seasonal heat on the activity rhythm, habitat use, and space use of the Beira antelope in southern Djibouti. J. arid Environ., 89(1) : 5-12.
  • Morellet N., Bonenfant C., Börger L., Ossi F., Cagnacci F., Heurich M., Kjellander P., Linnell J.D.C., Nicoloso S., Sustr P., Urbano F. & Mysterud A., 2013. Seasonality, weather and climate affect home range size in Roe deer across a wide latitudinal gradient within Europe. J. Anim. Ecol., 82(6) : 1326-1339
  • Paz-Vinas I., Quéméré E., Chikhi L., Loot G. & Blanchet S., 2013. The demographic history of populations experiencing asymmetric gene flow : combining simulated and empirical data. Mol. Ecol., 22(12) : 3279-3291.
  • Plard F., Gaillard J.M., Bonenfant C., Hewison A.J.M., Delorme D., Cargnelutti B., Kjellander P., Nilsen E. & Coulson T., 2013. Parturition date for a given female is highly repeatable within five Roe deer populations. Biol. Lett., 9(1) : 201-208.
  • Presetnik P. & Aulagnier S., 2013. The diet of Schreiber's bent-winged bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera : Miniopteridae), in northeastern Slovenia (Central Europe). Mammalia, 77(3) : 297-305.
  • Quéméré E., Hibert P., Miquel C., Lhuillier E., Rasolondraibe E., Champeau J., Rabarivola C., Nusbaumer L., Chatelain C., Gautier L., Ranirison P., Crouau-Roy B., Taberlet P. & Chikhi L., 2013. A DNA metabarcoding study of a primate dietary diversity and plasticity across Its entire fragmented range. PLoS One, 8(3) : e58971.



  • Abbas F., Merlet J., Morellet N., Verheyden H., Hewison A.J.M. Cargnelutti B., Angibault J.M., Picot D., Rames J.L., Lourtet B., Aulagnier S. & Daufresne T., 2012. Roe deer may markedly alter forest nitrogen and phosphorus budgets across Europe. Oikos, 121(8) : 1271-1278.
  • Brahmi K., Aulagnier S., Slimani S., Mann C.S., Doumandji S. & Baziz B., 2012. Diet of the Greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula (Mammalia: Soricidae) in Grande Kabylie (Algeria). Ital. J. Zool., 79(2) : 239-245.
  • Brahmi K., Khechekhouche E., Mostefaoui O., Doumandji S., Baziz B. & Aulagnier S., 2012. First quantitative data on the diet of the Fennec fox, Vulpes zerda (Canidae, Carnivora), in Algeria. Folia Zool., 61(1) : 61-70.
  • Debeffe L., Morellet N., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Bon R., Gaillard J.M. & Hewison A.J.M., 2012. Condition-dependent natal dispersal in a large herbivore : heavier animals show a greater propensity to disperse and travel further. J. Anim. Ecol., 81(6) : 1327-1337.
  • Maublanc M.L, Bideau E., Willemet R., Bardonnet C., Gonzalez G., Desneux L., Cebe N., & Gerard J.F., 2012. Ranging behaviour of Roe deer in an experimental high-density population : are females territorial ? C.R. Biol., 335(12) 735-743.
  • Pays O., Fortin D., Gassani J. & Duchesne J., 2012. Group dynamics and landscape features constrain the exploration of herds in fusion-fission societies : the case of European roe deer. PLoS One, 7(3) : e34678.
  • Plantard O., Bouju-Albert A., Malard M.A., Hermouet A., Capron G. & Verheyden H., 2012. Detection of Wolbachia in the tick Ixodes ricinus is due to the presence of the Hymenoptera endoparasitoid Ixodiphagus hookeri. PLoS One, 7(1) : e30692.
  • Quéméré E., Amelotd X., Piersond J., Crouau-Roy B. & Chikhi L., 2012. Genetic data suggest a natural prehuman origin of open habitats in northern Madagascar and question the deforestation narrative in this region. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 109(32) :13028-13033.
  • Serrano Ferron E., Verheyden H., Hummel J., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Merlet J., González-Candela M., Angibault J.M., Hewison A.J.M. & Clauss M., 2012. Digestive plasticity as a response to woodland fragmentation in Roe deer. Ecol. Res., 27(1) : 77-82.



  • Abbas F., Morellet N., Hewison A.J.M., Merlet J., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Angibault J.M., Daufresne T., Aulagnier S. & Verheyden H., 2011. Landscape fragmentation generates spatial variation of diet composition and quality in a generalist herbivore. Oecologia, 167(2) : 401-411.
  • Bled F., Joachim J. & Dupuis J.A., 2011. Impact of climatic variations on bird species occupancy rate in a southern European forest. Biodiv. Conserv., 20(6) : 1203-1224.
  • Cagnacci F., Focardi S., Heurich M., Stache A., Hewison A.J.M., Morellet N., Kjellander P., Linnell J.D.C., Mysterud A., Neteler M., Delucchi L., Ossi F. & Urbano F., 2011. Partial migration in Roe deer : migratory and resident tactics are end points of a behavioural gradient determined by ecological factors. Oikos, 120(12) : 1790-1802.
  • Cornélis D., Benhamou S., Janeau G., Morellet N., Ouedraogo M. & Visscher M.N. de, 2011. Spatiotemporal dynamics of forage and water resources shape space use of West African savanna buffaloes. J. Mammal., 92(6) : 1287-1297.
  • Dalhoumi R., Aissa P. & Aulagnier S., 2011. Taxonomie et répartition des Chiroptères de Tunisie. Rev. suisse Zool., 118(2) : 265-292.
  • Dupuis J.A., Bled F. & Joachim J., 2011. Estimating the occupancy rate of spatially rare or hard to detect species : a conditional approach. Biometrics, 67(1) : 290-298.
  • Hewison A.J.M., Gaillard J.M., Delorme D., Van Laere G., Amblard T. & Klein F., 2011. Reproductive constraints, not environmental conditions, shape the ontogeny of sex-specific mass–size allometry in Roe deer. Oikos, 120(8) : 1217-1226.
  • Morellet N., Van Moorter B., Cargnelutti B., Angibault J.M., Lourtet B., Merlet J., Ladet S. & Hewison A.J.M., 2011. Landscape composition influences roe deer habitat selection at both home range and landscape scales. Lands. Ecol., 26(7) : 999-1010.
  • Navarro-Gonzalez N., Verheyden H., Hoste H., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B., Merlet J., Daufresne T., Lavín S., Hewison A.J.M., Morand S. & Serrano E., 2011. Diet quality and immunocompetence influence parasite load of Roe deer in a fragmented landscape. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 57(3) : 639-645.
  • Sarasa M., Pérez J.M., Alasaad S., Serrano E., Soriguer R.C., Granados J.E., Fandos P., Joachim J. & Gonzalez G., 2011. Neatness depends on season, age, and sex in Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica. Behav. Ecol., 22(5) : 1070-1078.
  • Sarasa M., Serrano E., Soriguer R.C., Granados J.E., Fandos P., Gonzalez G., Joachim J. & Pérez J.M., 2011. Negative effect of the arthropod parasite, Sarcoptes scabiei, on testes mass in Iberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica. Vet. Parasitol., 175(3-4) : 306-312.
  • Serrano E., Granados J.E., Sarasa M., Gonzalez F., Fandos P., Soriguer R.C. & Perez J.M., 2011. The effects of winter severity and population density on body stores in the Iberian wild goat (Capra pyrenaica) in a highly seasonal mountain environment. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 57(1) : 45-55.
  • Verheyden H., Aubry L., Merlet J., Petibon P., Chauveau-Duriot P., Guillon N. & Duncan P., 2011. Faecal nitrogen, an index of diet quality in roe deer Capreolus capreolus ? Wildl. Biol., 17(2) : 166-175.
  • Vincent S., Némoz M. & Aulagnier S., 2011. Activity and foraging habitats of Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera, Miniopteridae) in southern France : implications for its conservation. Hystrix It. J. Mammal., (n.s.) 22(1) : 57-72.



  • Bonnot N., Gaillard J.M., Coulon A., Galan M., Cosson J.F., Delorme D., Klein F. & Hewison A.J.M., 2010. No difference between the sexes in fine-scale spatial genetic structure of Roe deer. PLoS One, 5(12) : e14436.
  • Brahmi K., Kkechekhouche E., Mostefaoui O., Bebba K., Hadjoudj M., Doumandji S., Baziz B. & Aulagnier S., 2010. Extralimital presence of small mammals in north-eastern Algeria. Mammalia, 74(1) : 105-108.
  • Calatayud F., Maublanc M.L., Col E., Lantier F., Bernardet P., Berthon P., Lantier I., Barc C., Sarradin P., Andréoletti O. & Bideau E., 2010. Behavioural study of sheep infected by bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Rev. Méd. vét., 161(8-9) : 363-371.
  • Giotto N. & Gerard J.F., 2010. The social and spatial organisation of the Beira antelope (Dorcatragus megalotis) : a relic from the past ? Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 56(4) : 481-491.
  • Gottardi E., Tua F., Cargnelutti B., Maublanc M.L., Angibault J.M., Saïd S. & Verheyden H., 2010. Use of GPS activity sensors to measure active and inactive behaviours of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Mammalia, 74(4) : 355-362.
  • Khammes-El Homsi N. & Aulagnier S., 2010. Unexpected morphometric differentiation of the Algerian mouse, Mus spretus (Rodentia : Muridae), from Kabylie of Djurdjura (Algeria). Mammalia, 74(2) : 199-207.
  • Merceron G., Escarguel G., Angibault J.M. & Verheyden-Tixier H., 2010. Can dental microwear textures record inter-Individual dietary variations ? Plos One, 5(3) : e9542.
  • Moinet M, Fournier-Chambrillon C, André-Fontaine G., Aulagnier S., Mesplede A., Blanchard B., Descarsin V., Dumas P., Dumas Y., Coic C., Couzi L. & Fournier P., 2010. Leptospirosis in free-ranging endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) and other small Carnivores (Mustelidae, Viverridae) from southwestern France. J. Wildl. Dis., 46(4) : 1141-1151.
  • Sarasa M., Rambozzi L., Rossi L., Meneguz P.G., Serrano E., Granados J.E., González F.J., Fandos P., Soriguer R., Gonzalez G., Joachim J. & Pérez J.M., 2010. Sarcoptes scabiei : Specific immune response to sarcoptic mange in the Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica depends on previous exposure and sex. Exp. Parasitol., 124(3) : 265-271.
  • Sarasa M., Serrano E., Pérez J.M., Soriguer R.C., Gonzalez G., Joachim J., Fandos P. & Granados J.E., 2010. Effects of season, age and body condition on allocation to testes mass in Iberian ibex. J. Zool., 281(2) : 125-131.
  • Vanpé C., Gaillard J.M., Kjellander P., Liberg O., Delorme D. & Hewison A.J.M., 2010. Assessing the intensity of sexual selection on male body mass and antler length in Roe deer Capreolus capreolus : is bigger better in a weakly dimorphic species ? Oikos, 119(9) : 1484-1492.



  • Calatayud F. & Maublanc M.L., 2009. Dépasser les oppositions et aborder la téléologie en questionnant la notion de vie. Contribution au forum Créationnisme / Darwinisme. Nat. Sci. Soc., 17 : 50-54.
  • Candela M.G., Serrano E., Martinez-Carrasco C., Martín-Atance P., Cubero Alonso F. & Leon L., 2009. Coinfection is an important factor in epidemiological studies : the first serosurvey of the Aoudad (Ammotragus lervia). Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis., 28 : 481-489.
  • Da Silva A., Gaillard J.M., Yoccoz N.G., Hewison A.J.M., Galan M., Coulson T., Allainé D., Vial L., Delorme D., Van Laere G., Klein F. & Luikart G., 2009. Heterozygosity-fitness correlations revealed by neutral and candidate gene markers in Roe deer from a long-term study. Evolution, 63 : 403-417.
  • Delattre P., Morellet N., Codreanu P., Miot S., Quéré J.P., Sennedot F. & Baudry J., 2009. Influence of edge effects on Common vole population abundance in an agricultural landscape of eastern France. Acta Theriol., 54(1) : 51-60.
  • Fureix C., Pagès M., Bon R., Lassalle J.M., Kuntz P. & Gonzalez G., 2009. A preliminary study of the effects of handling type on horses’ emotional reactivity and the human-horse relationship. Behav. Proc., 82(2) : 202-210.
  • Giotto N., Obsieh D., Joachim J. & Gerard J.F., 2009. The population size and distribution of the vulnerable Beira antelope Dorcatragus megalotis in Djibouti. Oryx, 43 : 552-555.
  • Giraudel J.L., Quéré J.P. & Spitz F., 2009. Artificial neural networks enable discrimination of taxa using morphological characters : an example with a problematic small mammal, the Water vole (genus Arvicola) (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Mammalia, 73(1) : 38-46.
  • Hewison A.J. M., Morellet N., Verheyden H., Daufresne T., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B., Merlet J., Picot D., Rames J.L., Joachim J., Lourtet B., Serrano E., Bideau E. & Cebe N., 2009. Landscape fragmentation influences winter body mass of Roe deer. Ecography, 32 : 1062-1070.
  • Jacques H., Veron G., Alary F. & Aulagnier S., 2009. The Congo clawless otter Aonyx congicus (Mustelidae, Lutrinae) : a review of its systematics, distribution and conservation status. Afr. Zool., 44(2) : 159-170.
  • Maublanc M.L., Bideau E., Picot D., Rames J.L., Dubois M., Gerard J.F. & Ferté H., 2009. Demographic crash associated with high parasite load in an experimental Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 55(6) : 621-625.
  • Morellet N., Verheyden H., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B., Lourtet B. & Hewison A.J.M., 2009. The effect of capture on ranging behaviour and activity of the European roe deer Capreolus capreolus. Wildl. Biol., 15(3) : 278-287.
  • Neill C., Daufresne T. & Jones C.G., 2009. A competitive coexistence principle ? Oikos, 118 : 1270-1578.
  • Pépin D., Morellet N. & Goulard M., 2009. Seasonal and daily walking activity patterns of free-ranging adult Red deer (Cervus elaphus) at the individual level. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 55 : 479-486.
  • Sarasa M., Serrano E., Gonzalez G., Granados J.E., Soriguer R.C., Pérez J.M. & Joachim J., 2009. Pseudoectoparasites : a new tool for exploring the relationship between host behaviour and ectoparasites. Anim. Behav., 77 : 1351-1356.
  • Tatin L., King S.R.B., Munkhtuya B., Hewison A.J.M. & Feh C., 2009. Demography of a socially natural herd of Przewalski’s horses: an example of a small, closed population. J. Zool., Lond., 277 : 134-140.
  • Vanpé C., Gaillard J.M., Morellet N., Kjellander P., Liberg O., Delorme D. & Hewison A.J.M., 2009. Age-specific variation in male breeding success of a territorial ungulate species, the European roe deer. J. Mammal., 90(3) : 661-665.
  • Vanpé C., Kjellander P., Gaillard J.M., Cosson J.F., Galan M. & Hewison A.J.M., 2009. Multiple paternity occurs with low frequency in the territorial Roe deer, Capreolus capreolus. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 97(1) : 128-139.
  • Vanpé C., Morellet N., Kjellander P., Goulard M., Liberg O. & Hewison A.J.M., 2009. Access to mates in a territorial ungulate is determined by the size of a male's territory, but not by its habitat quality. J. Anim. Ecol., 78(1) : 42-51.



  • Adrados C., Baltzinger C., Janeau G. & Pépin D., 2008. Red deer Cervus elaphus resting place characteristics obtained from differential GPS data in a forest habitat. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 54(3) : 487-494.
  • Benhaiem S., Delon M., Lourtet B., Cargnelutti B., Aulagnier S., Hewison A.J.M., Morellet N. & Verheyden H., 2008. Hunting increases vigilance levels in Roe deer and modifies feeding site selection. Anim. Behav., 76 : 611-618.
  • Cap H., Deleporte P., Joachim J. & Reby D., 2008. Male vocal behavior and phylogeny in deer. Cladistics, 24 : 917-931.
  • Coulon A., Morellet N., Goulard M., Cargnelutti B., Angibault J.M. & Hewison A.J.M., 2008. Inferring the effects of landscape structure on Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) movements using a step selection function. Lands. Ecol., 23 : 603-614.
  • Danger M., Daufresne T., Lucas F., Pissard S. & Lacroix G., 2008. Does Liebig’s law of the minimum scale up from species to communities ? Oikos, 117 : 1741-1751.
  • Daufresne T., Lacroix G., Benhaim D. & Loreau M., 2008. Coexistence of algae and bacteria : a test of the carbon hypothesis. Aquat. microb. Ecol., 53(3) : 323-332.
  • Fournier P., Maizeret C., Fournier-Chambrillon C., Ilbert N., Aulagnier S. & Spitz F., 2008. Spatial behaviour of European mink Mustela lutreola and Polecat Mustela putorius in southwestern France. Acta Theriol., 53(4) : 343-354.
  • Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Kjellander P., Pettorelli N., Bonenfant C., Van Moorter B., Liberg O., Andren H., Van Laere G., Klein F., Angibault J.M., Coulon A. & Vanpé C., 2008. Population density and sex do not influence fine-scale natal dispersal in Roe deer. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B., 275, 2025-2030.
  • Giotto N., Laurent A., Mohamed N., Prévot N. & Gerard J.F., 2008. Observations on the behaviour and ecology of a threatened and poorly known dwarf antelope : the Beira (Dorcatragus megalotis). Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 54(4) : 539-547.
  • Kidjo N., Cargnelutti B., Charlton B.D., Wilson C. & Reby D., 2008. Vocal behaviour in the endangered Corsican deer : description and phylogenetic implications. Bioacoustics, 18(2) : 159-181.
  • Klausmeier C.A., Litchman E., Daufresne T. & Levin S.A., 2008. Phytoplankton stoichiometry. Ecol. Res., 23(3) : 479-485.
  • McGroddy M.E., Daufresne T. & Hedin L.O., 2008. Erratum. Ecology, 89(3) : 890.
  • Mechkour F., Maublanc M.L., Bideau E., Gerard J.F. & Pépin D., 2008. Spatial organization and spatial distribution of activities within home ranges in a Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) captive population. Zoo Biol., 27 : 19-35.
  • Michelena P., Gautrais J., Gerard J.F., Bon R. & Deneubourg J.L., 2008. Social cohesion in groups of sheep: effect of activity level, sex composition and group size. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 112 : 81-93.
  • Mouquet N., Daufresne T., Gray S.M. & Miller T.E., 2008. Modelling the relationship between a pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) and its phytotelma community : mutualism or parasitism ? Funct. Ecol., 22 : 728-737.
  • Pépin D. & Gerard J.F., 2008. Group dynamics and local population density dependence of group size in the Pyrenean chamois, Rupicapra pyrenaica. Anim. Behav., 75(2) : 361-369.
  • Pépin D., Adrados C., Janeau G., Joachim J. & Mann C., 2008. Individual variation in migratory and exploratory movements and habitat use by adult Red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) in a mountainous temperate forest. Ecol. Res., 23(6) : 1005-1013.
  • Pépin D., Birkan M. & Angibault J.M., 2008. Factors affecting changes in Grey partridge population dynamics in a French arable farmland over an eleven-year period. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 54 : 179-187.
  • Pereboom V., Mergey M., Villerette N., Helder R., Gerard J.F. & Lodé T., 2008. Movement patterns, habitat selection, and corridor use of Pine marten (Martes martes). Can. J. Zool., 86 : 983-991.
  • Richard E., Morellet N., Cargnelutti B., Angibault J.M., Vanpé C. & Hewison A.J.M., 2008. Ranging behaviour and excursions of female Roe deer during the rut. Behav. Proc., 79 : 28-35.
  • Schafer J.A., Morellet N., Pépin D. & Verheyden H., 2008. The spatial scale of habitat selection by Red deer. Can. J. Zool., 86 : 1337-1345.
  • Serrano E., Alpizar-Jara R., Morellet N. & Hewison A.J.M., 2008. A half a century of measuring ungulate body condition using indices : is it time for a change ? Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 54(4) : 675-680.
  • Serrano E., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B. & Hewison A.J.M., 2008. Density-dependence of developmental instability in a dimorphic ungulate. Biol. Let., 4 : 512-514.
  • Serrano E., González F.J., Granados J.E., Moço G., Fandos P., Soriguer R.C. & Pérez J.M., 2008. The use of total serum proteins and triglycerides for monitoring body condition in the Iberian wild goat (Capra pyrenaica). J. Zoo Wildl. Med., 39(4) : 646-649.
  • Van Moorter B., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Saïd S., Coulon A., Delorme D., Widmer O., Cargnelutti B. & Angibault J.M., 2008. Evidence for exploration behaviour in young Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) prior to dispersal. Ethol. Ecol. Evol., 20 : 1-15.
  • Vanpé C., Kjellander P., Galan M., Cosson J.F., Aulagnier S., Liberg O. & Hewison A.J.M., 2008. Mating system, sexual dimorphism, and the opportunity for sexual selection in a territorial ungulate. Behav. Ecol., 19 : 309-316.
  • Verheyden-Tixier H., Renaud P.C., Morellet N., Jamot J., Besle J.M. & Dumont B., 2008. Selection for nutrients by Red deer hinds feeding on a mixed forest hedge. Oecologia, 156 : 715-426.



  • Cargnelutti B., Coulon A., Hewison A.J.M., Goulard M., Angibault J.M. & Morellet N., 2007. Testing Global Positioning System performance for wildlife monitoring using mobile collars and known reference points. J. Wildl. Manage., 71(4) : 1380-1387.
  • Crampe J.P., Bon R., Gerard J.F., Serrano E., Caens P., Florence E. & Gonzalez G., 2007. Site fidelity, migratory behaviour, and spatial organization of female isards (Rupicapra pyrenaica) in the Pyrenees National Park, France. Can. J. Zool., 85 : 16-25.
  • Fournier P., Maizeret C., Jimenez D., Chusseau J.P., Aulagnier S. & Spitz F., 2007. Habitat utilization by sympatric European mink Mustela lutreola and polecats Mustela putorius in south-western France. Acta Theriol., 52(1) : 1-12.
  • Garel M., Cugnasse J.M., Maillard D., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M. & Dubray D., 2007. Selective harvesting and habitat loss produce long-term life-history changes in a Mouflon population. Ecol. Applic., 17(6) : 1607-1618.
  • Hewison A.J.M., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B., Coulon A., Rames J.L., Serrano E., Verheyden H. & Morellet N., 2007. Using radio-tracking and direct observation to estimate Roe deer Capreolus capreolus density in a fragmented landscape : a pilot study. Wildl. Biol., 13(3) : 313-320.
  • Khammes N. & Aulagnier S., 2007. Diet of the Wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, in three biotopes of Kabylie of Djurdjura (Algeria). Folia Zool., 56(3) : 243-252.
  • Kidjo N., Feracci G., Bideau E., Gonzalez G., Mattéi C., Marchand B. & Aulagnier S., 2007. Extirpation and reintroduction of the Corsican red deer Cervus elaphus corsicanus in Corsica. Oryx, 41(4) : 488-494.
  • Morellet N., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Ballon P., Boscardin Y., Duncan P., Klein F. & Maillard D., 2007. Indicators of ecological change : new tools for managing populations of large herbivores. J. appl. Ecol., 44 : 634-643.
  • Pays O., Jarman P.J., Loisel P. & Gerard J.F., 2007. Coordination, independence or synchronisation of individual vigilance in the eastern grey kangaroo ? Anim. Behav., 73(4) : 595-604.
  • Pays O., Benhamou S.., Helder R. & Gerard J.F., 2007. The dynamics of group formation in large mammalian herbivores : an analysis in the European roe deer. Anim. Behav., 74(5) : 1429-1441.
  • Pays O., Renaud P.C., Loisel P., Petit M., Gerard J.F., & Jarman P.J., 2007. Prey synchronise their vigilant behaviour with other group members. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B, 274 : 1287-1291.
  • Pépin D. & Angibault J.M., 2007. Selection of resting sites by the European hare as related to habitat characteristics during agricultural changes. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 53(3) : 183-189.
  • Serrano E., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B. & Hewison M., 2007. The effect of animal density on metacarpus development in captive Fallow deer. Small Rum. Res., 72 : 61-65.
  • Serrano E., Granados J.E. & Pérez J.M., 2007. Sarcoptic mange and metapodial development in growing male Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica). Vet. Parasitol., 144 : 375-379.
  • Vanpé C., Gaillard J.M., Kjellander P., Mysterud A., Magnien P., Delorme D., Van Laere G., Klein F., Liberg O. & Hewison A.J.M., 2007. Antler size provides a honest signal of male phenotypic quality in roe deer. Am. Nat., 169(4) : 481-493.



  • Coulon A., Cosson J.F., Morellet N., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B., Galan M., Aulagnier S. & Hewison A.J.M., 2006. Dispersal is not female biased in a resource-defence mating ungulate, the European roe deer. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B, 273 : 341-348.
  • Coulon A., Guillot G., Cosson J.F., Angibault J.M., Aulagnier S., Cargnelutti B., Galan M. & Hewison A.J.M., 2006. Genetic structure is influenced by landscape features : empirical evidence from a Roe deer population. Mol. Ecol., 15 : 1669-679.
  • Dupuis J. & Joachim J., 2006. Bayesian estimation of species richness from quadrat sampling data in the presence of prior information. Biometrics, 62 : 706-712.
  • Garel M., Cugnasse J.M., Hewison A.J.M. & Maillard D., 2006. Errors in age determination of Mouflon in the field. Wild. Soc. Bull., 34(2) : 300-306.
  • Gray S.M., Miller T.E., Mouquet N. & Daufresne T., 2006. Nutrient limitation in detritus-based microcosms in Sarracenia purpurea. Hydrobiologia, 573 : 173-181.
  • Guilhem C., Bideau E., Gerard J.F., Maublanc M.L. & Pépin D., 2006. Early differentiation of male and female interactive behaviour as a possible mechanism for sexual segregation in Mouflon sheep (Ovis gmelini). Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 98 : 54-69.
  • Khammes N., Lek S. & Aulagnier S., 2006. Identification biométrique des deux espèces sympatriques de souris Mus musculus domesticus et Mus spretus en Kabylie du Djurdjura (Algérie). Rev. suisse Zool., 113(2) : 411-419.
  • Kjellander P., Gaillard J.M. & Hewison A.J.M., 2006. Density-dependent responses of fawn cohort body mass in two contrasting roe deer populations. Oecologia, 146 : 521-530.
  • Michelena P., Noël S., Gautrais J., Gerard J.F., Deneubourg J.L. & Bon R., 2006. Sexual dimorphism, activity budget and synchrony in groups of sheep. Oecologia, 148 : 170-180.
  • Mouquet N., Miller T.E., Daufresne T. & Kneitel J.M., 2006. Consequences of varying regional heterogeneity in source-sink metacommunities. Oikos, 113 : 481-488.
  • Pépin D., Renaud P.C. & Decuq F., 2006. Identifying activity patterns from activity counters in ETHOSYS collars on Red deer. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 96 : 103-114.
  • Pépin D., Renaud P.C., Boscardin J.Y., Goulard M., Mallet C., Anglard F. & Ballon P., 2006. Relative impact of browsing by Red deer on mixed coniferous and broad-leaved seedlings - an enclosure-based experiment. For. Ecol. Manage., 222 : 302-313.
  • Pépin D., Renaud P.C., Dumont B. & Decuq F., 2006. Time budget and 24-h temporal rest-activity patterns of captive red deer hinds. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 101 : 339-354.
  • Pérez J.M., Granados J.E., Moreno V., Calabuig G., Moço G. & Serrano E., 2006. In vitro rearing Oestrus caucasicus third-instar larvae and pupae (Diptera: Oestridae) from naturally-infested Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica (Artiodactyla: Bovidae). Parasite, 13 : 305-310.
  • Picot D., Bideau E., Hamard J.P., Calatayud F., Ducousso A. & Ballon P., 2006. Impact du frottis de Chevreuil sur le Chêne sessile : premiers enseignements d'une expérimentation. Rev. for. Fr., 58(6) : 521-530.
  • Reby D., André-Obrecht R., Galinier A., Farinas J. & Cargnelutti B., 2006. Cepstral coefficients and hidden Markov models reveal idiosyncratic voice characteristics in Red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 120(6) : 4080-4089.
  • Serrano E., Pérez J.M., Egeland C.P., Bover P. & Gállego L., 2006. Surveying for ungulate skeletal remains in Mediterranean mountainous habitats : a quantitative approach and potential use in population dynamics. J. Taphon., 4(3) : 163-170.
  • Toïgo C., Gaillard J.M., Van Laere G., Hewison M. & Morellet N., 2006. How does environmental variation influence body mass, body size, and body condition ? Roe deer as a case study. Ecography, 29 : 301-308.
  • Verheyden H., Ballon P., Bernard V. & Saint-Andrieux C., 2006 Variations in bark-stripping by Red deer Cervus elaphus across Europe. Mammal Rev., 36(3) : 217-234.
  • Villerette N., Helder R., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B. & Gerard J.F., 2006. Sexual secgregation in Fallow deer : are mixed-sex groups especially unstable beacause of asynchrony between the sexes ? C. R. Biol., 329 : 551-558.
  • Villerette N., Marchal C., Pays O., Delorme D. & Gerard J.F., 2006. Doe the sexes tend to segregate in Roe deer in agricultural environments ? An analysis of group composition. Can. J. Zool., 329 : 551-558.
  • Zannèse A., Baïsse A., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M., Saint-Hilaire K., Toïgo C., Van Laere G. & Morellet N., 2006. Hind foot length : an indicator for monitoring Roe deer populations at a landscape scale. Wild. Soc. Bull., 34(2) : 351-358.
  • Zannèse A., Morellet N., Targhetta C., Coulon A., Fuser S., Hewison A.J.M. & Ramanzin M., 2006. Spatial structure of Roe deer populations : towards defining management units at a landscape scale. J. appl. Ecol., 43 : 1087-1097.



  • Dubois M., Gerard J.F. & Pontes F., 2005. Spatial selectivity to manipulate portable objects in wedge-capped capuchins (Cebus olivaceus). Primates, 46 : 127-133.
  • Dumont B, Renaud P.C., Morellet N., Mallet C., Anglard F. & Verheyden-Tixier H., 2005. Seasonal variations of Red deer selectivity on a mixed forest edge. Anim. Res., 54 : 369-381.
  • Galan M., Baltinger C., Hewison A.J.M. & Cosson J.F., 2005. Distinguishing red and roe deer using DNA extracted from hair samples and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method). Wildl. Soc. Bull., 33(1) : 204-211.
  • Garel M., Cugnasse J.M., Gaillard J.M., Loison A., Santosa Y. & Maublanc M.L., 2005. Effect of observer experience on the monitoring of a mouflon population. Acta Theriol., 50(1) : 109-114.
  • Henriksen H.B., Andersen R., Hewison A.J.M., Gaillard J.M., Bronndal M., Jonsson S., Linnell J.D.C. & Odden J., 2005. Reproductive biology of captive female Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx. Eur. J. Wildl. Res., 51 : 154-156.
  • Hewison A.J.M., Gaillard J.M., Kjellander P., Toïgo C., Liberg O. & Delorme D., 2005. Big mothers invest more in daughters - reversed sex allocation in a weakly polygynous mammal. Ecol. Let., 8 : 430-437.
  • Michelena P., Henric K., Angibault J.M., Gautrais J., Lapeyronie P., Porter R.H., Deneubourg J.L.& Bon R., 2005. An experimental study of social attraction and spacing between the sexes in sheep. J. exp. Biol., 208 : 4419-4426.
  • Reby D., McComb K., Cargnelutti B., Darwin C., Fitch W.T. & Clutton-Brock T., 2005. Red deer stags use formants as assesment cues during intrasexual agonistic interactions. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B, 272 : 941-947.



  • Calatayud F., Coubard S. & Belzung C., 2004. Emotional reactivity in mice may not be inherited but influenced by parents. Physiol. Behav., 80 : 465-474.
  • Calatayud F., Belzung C. & Aubert A., 2004. Ethological validation and the assessment of anxiety-like behaviours : methodological comparison of classical analyses and structural approaches. Behav. Proc., 67 : 195-206.
  • Coulon A., Cosson J.F., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B., Galan M., Morellet N., Petit E., Aulagnier S. & Hewison A.J.M., 2004. Landscape connectivity influences gene flow in a Roe deer population inhabiting a fragmented landscape : an individual-based approach. Mol. Ecol., 13 : 2841-2850.
  • Janeau G., Adrados C., Joachim J., Gendner J.P. & Pépin D., 2004. Performance of differential GPS collars in temperate mountain forest. C. R. Biol., 327(12) : 1143-1149.
  • Kjellander P., Hewison A.J.M., Liberg O., Angibault J.M., Bideau E. & Cargnelutti B., 2004. Experimental evidence for density-dependence of home range size in Roe deer. Oecologia, 139 : 478-485.
  • Kjellander P., Gaillard J.M., Hewison A.J.M. & Liberg O., 2004. Predation risk and longevity influence variation in fitness of female Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B (Suppl.).271 : 338-340.
  • Michelena P., Bouquet P.M., Dissac A., Fourcassié V., Lauga J., Gerard J.F. & Bon R., 2004. An experimental test of hypotheses explaining social segregation in dimorphic ungulates. Anim. Behav., 68(6) : 1371-1380.
  • Pépin D., Adrados C., Mann C. & Janeau, G., 2004. Assessing real daily distance travelled by ungulates using differential GPS locations. J. Mammal., 85(4) : 774-780.